Sunday, September 13, 2009

Just bought two of these bad boys for the library. I am going to download some stories from I am looking for something short because my idea, at least initially, is to have the mp3 players set up as a center. I have several centers that kids can visit after they are done checking out: magnetic poetry, hangman, magnadoodles, brain buster puzzles, pop up books, bookmark making and this year I added flannel board storytelling and listening center.

One of the cool things about these mp3 players is their ability to record. I am hoping to have the fifth graders do some podcasts this year of book reviews and add them to my wiki. This looks like a simple tool to help me achieve that.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wordle me this, Batman

I decided to try Wordle to write a review of the superly awesome book "Let's do something!" by Tony Fucile. Check it out then get over to Wordle and make one for yourself!